
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Candlelight Vigil in Olympia

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Candlelight Vigil in Olympia

Editor's note: The Tribune's Tracey Carlos went to the Capitol yesterday evening to attend a candlelight vigil in honor of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who passed away on Friday, September 18th, 2020. Among the speakers were WA State Representative, and candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives seat in the 10th Congressional District, Beth Doglio. https://www.youtube.com/embed/UgluqwW9I8E Thurston County Commissioner candidate Carolina Mejia... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_U5hQEXkOt4 ...and Olympia Superior Court candidate Sharonda Amamilo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZO7rO8to4WY Other speakers included Keoki Kauanoe, Vanessa Malapote, Krys Brown, and Kyrian McMichael who read statements from WA Supreme Court Justice Mary Yu and Speaker of the…
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New Labels Same Bias

New Labels Same Bias

Our society is starting to commonly use a wider variety of labels for sexual and gender identities. It is wonderful. Yet, sometimes we hear a new label, and we want to show we are cool and inclusive, so we assume someone uses a label without asking. Unfortunately, this can lead to stereotyping based on sexist, racist, or classist bias. I will be speaking about my own life; my views don't represent anyone else's experience.  A fair number of people assume that I use the labels gender non conforming (GNC) and masc (masculine) to describe myself. When I ask why they…
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Mel Wilde

Mel Wilde

Hello! My name is Mel Wilde. I use she/her pronouns, and I am a white cis queer lesbian. I have lived in Olympia since I was ten years old, and I have watched Olympia grow and change as I have grown and changed. I love this town I am proud to call it home. Like any home, I hope that it gets remodeled every once in a while. I hope to shape this place into a more equitable home for us all; by writing, by protesting, and by being unwaveringly myself.  I grew up working-class, raised by a single mother…
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Welcome to the Olympia Tribune

Welcome to the Olympia Tribune

'We live in challenging times' is the understatement of the millennium. Four hundred years of white enslavement, subjugation, suppression, violence, and murder of Black Americans have come home to roost in the form of a long-overdue uprising of voices saying simply, "We Matter" and "Stop Killing Us." The call for an end to this brutality, and murder, of Black Americans is met by violence from a system that knows no other way to solve its problems. As I write this, our state burns, people's homes and livelihoods destroyed by a fire season we've never experienced before. Yet we still have…
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On Allyship

On Allyship

My name is Hillary Detamore, and I use she/her pronouns. I am the CEO/Executive Director at YWCA Olympia, and I want to talk about allyship in the fight for racial justice. I think it's important to first locate myself in this conversation, as someone who lives and works on the occupied land of the Nisqually, Coast Salish, Cowlitz, and Squaxin Peoples.  I have mixed-race heritage, who also carries white privilege and who grew up socialized as white. I have cis-privilege, able-bodied privilege, educational privilege, and positional privilege as a CEO, among other forms of social privilege. I came from a…
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My Experience As A Delegate At The DNC

My Experience As A Delegate At The DNC

In May of this year, I was elected by local Democratic PCOs to represent us at the Democratic National Convention as a delegate for Joe Biden. It was my first time as a national delegate. I had been a state delegate for Bernie Sanders 4 years ago. I was humbled to be entrusted with such a responsibility. I did my best to do my part at all levels of the journey.First was the state delegation, where I helped write the state platform. As a delegate, I reviewed it, made suggested edits, and then voted on it at our state convention…
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Paul Peck

Hello, Paul Peck here. I’ve been a visual story-teller since high school and enjoy the beauty and complexities of this place I’ve called home for more than 30 years. I also have a life-long love of bluegrass and roots music, and have hosted “American Anecdotes at least twice a month on KAOS Community Radio, 89.3, kaosradio.org, for more than 10 years. I think flying kites is a great form of relaxation, have a ham radio license and tend to a large garden in our northeast Olympia neighborhood, with my wife of 40 years. We both have been activists in the community,…
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Mindy Chambers

I believe journalism is a public service. That’s why I’ve hooked up with The Olympia Tribune. Our mission statement says some things that I hope appeal to all of you. We’re a forum intended to shine a light on news and issues in Olympia and greater Thurston County. A platform for community voices that are often unheard. A bulwark to protect the ideals of justice, fairness,transparency, accountability, and inclusivity in our community and government. Governments, which we pay for through our tax dollars, make hundreds of decisions affecting us each year. Yet we know very little, and few of us…
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Hillary Detamore

My name is Hillary Detamore, and I use she/her pronouns. I’m a mom, a single, co-parenting, mother of two young kiddos who are six and eight. I’m also the CEO/Executive Director at YWCA Olympia. I’m becoming a Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher, and I also volunteer for NODA (No One Dies Alone). I have mixed-race heritage, white privilege, and was socialized as white. Because of this, I’m working hard to honor all of my ancestors and our histories while also acknowledging my white privilege and focusing my racial justice on uprooting the whiteness patterns within our community and myself. I came…
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