My name is Hillary Detamore, and I use she/her pronouns. I’m a mom, a single, co-parenting, mother of two young kiddos who are six and eight. I’m also the CEO/Executive Director at YWCA Olympia. I’m becoming a Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher, and I also volunteer for NODA (No One Dies Alone). I have mixed-race heritage, white privilege, and was socialized as white. Because of this, I’m working hard to honor all of my ancestors and our histories while also acknowledging my white privilege and focusing my racial justice on uprooting the whiteness patterns within our community and myself. I came from a mixed-class background and had a straddler class experience growing up in Richmond and Fredericksburg, Virginia, in the geographic and cultural south of the United States. I come from a blended family and am the youngest of five sisters. I try to honor and give thanks every day for my family and, most notably, my great grandmother, my grandmother, my mother, and all of my teachers.