Position 7
WATCH: League of Women Voters candidate forum
Jim Cooper

Raised: $36,159.
Spent: $23,621
Full list of contributions and expenditures.
Campaign information: Website, Facebook
The candidate did not respond to our questionnaire and gave no explanation.
Spence Weigand

Raised: $82,770
Full list of contributions and expenditures:
Spent: $58,033
Full list of contributions and expenditures:
Campaign information: Website, Facebook
The candidate provided this explanation about why he did not respond to The Tribune’s questionnaire:
“Given the hectic nature of my business, combined with the host of public forums, Zoom meetings, and organizational questionnaires that I have and have had on my plate, I am not going to be able to meet your deadline to provide a thoughtful response to your questions. I regret that”.
These were the questions:
In your last conversation with a homeless person, what did you talk about? What did you learn? How will that influence your actions on issues that come before the City Council?
Part of the discussion regarding unhoused people during this election season has been that they should be held accountable. If you believe that is the case, who should unhoused people be accountable to, and what should they be accountable for?
Have you ever lost your housing or been in danger of losing your housing? If so, what did you do? What advice do you have for people facing this situation?
In your last conversation with an Olympia Police Department officer, what did you talk about? What did you learn? How will that influence your actions on issues that come before the City Council?
What three qualities and three skills should the city make priorities when choosing a new police chief? Why are these priorities? Do you favor delaying the search until the city completes its Reimagining Public Safety effort?
An individual you know comes to you asking for advice on whether to be vaccinated against COVID-19. What do you tell this person?
In your last conversation with an Olympia small business person, what did you talk about? What did you learn? How will that influence your actions on issues that come before the City Council?